Le Parodie Disney dei Film del 2015

Guardate questi simpatici poster di parodie Disney dei film più famosi e visti del 2015:

  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Looks like they're working a little corporate synergy by spoofing Star Wars: The Force Awakens:

  • Straight otter zootopia

Straight Outta Compton gets punny:

  • Ex Jakina

Ex Machina becomes a little less sci-fi and way more hippie-dippie:

  • Cinderelephant

Cinderella's delicate slipper is now custom-made for an elephant:

  • Giraffic Word

I don't know if anybody would be as scared of giraffes as they would be of dinosaurs:

  • Fifty Shades of Prey

And finally, it appears that one of the characters in the movie is into some real rough play. 😮

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