Game Of Thrones: The Evolution Of Missandei, one of the most important characters

“They believe in this woman and this queen based on her actions not based on anything else,” Emmanuel said. “That’s the world that I want to live in one day, one that’s based purely on your actions and who you are, not based on your gender, race, sexual orientation, or gender identification, and it’s about what you are as a person who you are as a person.”

With Season 7 drawing to a close on Aug. 27 and only one final season to follow thereafter, viewers anxiously watch each week to see what will happen to the people of Westeros. Emmanuel is one of the millions of people watching GoT on Sundays, and like the show’s fans, she’s watching these episodes for the very first time.

“We’ve read scripts a year ago and maybe have an idea of what’s happening. I know my own storyline, but even with that, it was such a long time ago,” she said. “It’s hard to know how it’s going to unveil on screen. And no matter what you think it might look like or feel like to watch it, it exceeds all of your expectations, ever.”

Missandei’s fate, much like everyone else’s on Game of Thrones, is currently unknown. Emmanuel said she isn’t sure what’s in store for her character, but that she’s happy to be a part of Season 8.

“She is smart. I feel like when things get more dangerous, it’ll be a chance for Missandei to show what she’s really made of,” Emmanuel said. “She’s got the bravery to get to this point, so maybe we’ll see a bit more of that bravery.”

As for the prospect of Missandei enduring a less positive outcome, Emmanuel said she’s made her peace with that being an option for her character. After seven seasons fans of Game of Thrones are aware that death is always a possibility, especially as the plot thickens and tensions rise between the Lannisters, Starks, Daenerys Targaryen, and the White Walkers. If Missandei does die in the midst of the impending action, Emmanuel said she wants people to “feel a lot of things.”

“I want her death to be an epic moment that people remember.”

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